Social media has exploded in popularity in recent years and has been adopted by businesses of all kinds that are looking to expand their web presence and to connect with both existing and potential clients. Law firms are no exception to this trend and are increasingly looking to utilize social media as a way of drumming up new business and increasing the brand recognition of their firm. This article will discuss five ways that law firms use social media.
Gaining Top Talent
By having a social media site a law firm can connect with individual lawyers who may be interested in joining the firm. Many law firms use social media to announce job openings or to connect with top talent who may consider joining the company. Social media seems like an informal way of gaining employees, but it is a great way to persuade lawyers who are on the fence about joining a firm.
Attracting New Customers
A social media site is a great way to attract new customers by advertising services. To do so, many law firms will post their specialties and announce large wins in court cases or settlements that can lead to additional future business. This can drive future growth and improve the overall perception of the business as well.
Reconnecting with Old Customers and Employees
Old customers and employees may wish to stay in touch with a law firm through their social media website. Law firms will commonly use these websites as a way of connecting with old customers and employees and may generate referrals for new business or be recommended employees for possible hire through these sites. A law firm will often use a social media site by having a person designated with seeking out and befriending old contacts that can provide future benefits for the firm.
Being Recognized as a Thought Leader
Law firms will often publish short articles and thought pieces on their social media sites in order to be thought of as a thought leader on a topic or within a legal circle. By doing so the social media site may be used as a reference for professionals and may gain a reputation in the industry leading to referrals and helping to attract top legal talent.
Increasing the Popularity of a Website
Many law firms use their websites as a way of advertising their services. Firms purchase key words to increase the likelihood that their firm will come up when individuals conduct web searches. Social media posts increase a company’s web presence and increases the chance that the company will come up in web searches. Some law firms post many quick posts online with little factoids of information in order to benefit from social media in this manner.
Social media is an increasingly important marketing tool amongst businesses in all industries, including law firms. Law firms are increasingly using social media to expand their web presence and to attract new and former clients, as well as to build their brand recognition. While social media is only one advertising opportunity for law firms, it provides them with a new avenue for advertising and can help to grow their firm.
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Today’s guest post was provided by Jesse L. from Jesse earned a perfect 800 on the Math S.A.T. and is currently studying Computer Science at Stanford University.